Sermons (Page 22)

Sermons (Page 22)

Join us in-person at 9AM and 11AM every Sunday

Un-Hurry: A Different Pandemic

There is a different kind of pandemic spreading throughout our world. It’s called the Hurry Pandemic and it’s slowly and silently destroying our souls. In this new series we will learn, based on Jesus’ life, how we can un-hurry our lives and live the life Jesus intends for us to live.

Forest Fires

In Tucson, the Big Horn fire is raging. Sometimes forest fires are caused naturally by things like lightning. Sometimes forest fires are caused by negligence. The same is true for the forest fires that happen figuratively in our lives. Annette Eilert shares 10 methods for battling real life forest fires, which are also helpful in battling the spiritual forest fires we…

Follow Me

With so many voices in the world telling us how we should solve the social issues we face it’s important to remember that Jesus’ voice is the most important. And Jesus answered all of life’s problems when he said, “Follow Me.”