Wisdom for Your Walk: The Impartial Christian

Wisdom for Your Walk: The Impartial Christian

The book of James seems to be most concerned about people who profess faith in God and his Son Jesus, but they don’t have genuine, real faith. They talk the talk, but they don’t walk the walk. And so, James’ goal in his writing is to help believers achieve genuine, whole, perfect, unwavering faith in God. His goal is to equip the family of God with wisdom for their walks with Jesus.

Reflection Questions
  • Honestly reflecting upon your life, how have you shown partiality to those outside and inside the family of God? In what ways have you prejudged people by their outward appearance rather than their heart?
  • How have you experienced partiality from others within the church? How did that make you feel?
  • How have you followed Jesus in some ways but neglected his way in others?
  • What are some ways we can better show mercy, compassion, and kindness to all people as a church family?