Wisdom for Your Walk: The Wisdom Test

Wisdom for Your Walk: The Wisdom Test

The book of James seems to be most concerned about people who profess faith in God and his Son Jesus, but they don’t have genuine, real faith. They talk the talk, but they don’t walk the walk. And so, James’ goal in his writing is to help believers achieve genuine, whole, perfect, unwavering faith in God. His goal is to equip the family of God with wisdom for their walks with Jesus.

Reflection Questions:

  • What knowledge of Jesus do you have that needs to turn into wisdom, or applied knowledge to your walk with Jesus?
  • Can you think of a time when jealousy, selfish ambition, or boasting led you away from Jesus? Reflect on that moment.
  • What fruit are you currently experiencing in your life and what does that say about the kind of wisdom you are living by (true or false wisdom)?
  • Reread James 3:17-18. When in your life or what parts of your life make it difficult to live in this way? Spend some time praying for strength and wisdom to hold firm to true wisdom this week.