Wisdom for Your Walk: The Working Word

Wisdom for Your Walk: The Working Word

The book of James seems to be most concerned about people who profess faith in God and his Son Jesus, but they don’t have genuine, real faith. They talk the talk, but they don’t walk the walk. And so, James’ goal in his writing is to help believers achieve genuine, whole, perfect, unwavering faith in God. His goal is to equip the family of God with wisdom for their walks with Jesus.

Reflection Questions:

  1. What are you carrying on your walk with Jesus that should be left behind? How has carrying those things hindered your walk with Jesus?
  2. What parts of your walk to perfection with Jesus have been done in your own strength and will rather than receiving or submitting to the will of God?
  3. How do you know that the word of God is at work in you? Think of some examples.
  4. What are some things you can practically do this week to help you remember the words of God that we read in the first chapter of James?