Jesus for Everyone: Mountains and Valleys

Jesus for Everyone: Mountains and Valleys

The Gospel according to Luke is the longest and most thorough account of Jesus’ life that we have. A key attribute of this gospel is the way Jesus is portrayed interacting with people of all kinds of backgrounds and walks of life, and showing them that he’s come to seek and save the lost. Jesus truly is for everyone.

Reflection Questions:

  • Can you recall a “mountaintop” experience in your own life where you felt especially close to God? How did that experience strengthen your faith, and how has it influenced your journey since then?
  • How do you typically respond when life brings you into a valley, a place of challenge or struggle? 
  • Who are the “Peter, James, and John” in your life—those you can rely on for prayer and support during tough times? How can you cultivate deeper, more authentic relationships with them?
  • What practical steps can you take to ensure that you are regularly listening to and applying God’s word in your daily life, whether you are in a season of joy or trial?