Holy Spirit: Who Is He? (Part 2)

Holy Spirit: Who Is He? (Part 2)

What is your relationship with the Holy Spirit like? Is he like the weird next-door neighbor? Are you cautious but curious about him? Or is he your friend? We’re getting to know the Holy Spirit for who he really is and who he is for us. The more we let him into our lives, the more we receive all that he has for us.

Reflection Questions:

  • How have other people’s misrepresentations of the Holy Spirit influenced your thinking of him?
  • Reread John 16:8-11. Why is it good that the Holy Spirit helps us through convicting us of sin, righteousness, and judgement?
  • Have you thought of the Holy Spirit as a person or as a force? How do we relate differently to the Holy Spirit when we understand He is a person?
  • What benefits have you received from the Holy Spirit?