Called: Reclaim Your Calling

Called: Reclaim Your Calling

In this series, we’ll be reclaiming the word “calling.” It’s not just what we’re good at, or what we choose to do. Calling is a sacred word that speaks to our innermost beings. As we go through this two-week series, we’ll be reminded that calling isn’t as much about “what” as it is “who.” In order to discover God’s true calling on our lives, we need to focus less on what we’re doing and more on what we’re becoming: fully devoted followers of Christ.

Reflection Questions:

  • God calls us to salvation, sanctification, and service. How does that influence the way you view your calling?
  • What are some ways your calling has cost you? How have you seen your calling sustain you?
  • Has God ever called you to do something even though you felt unprepared? What happened?
  • What practical steps can you take to pursue your calling this week?