Sermons by Kai Eilert (Page 30)
This message is an adaptation of a message from Steven Furtick from Elevation Church. Through the story of Jacob, we learn that there is a conflict in all of us between who we think we should be and who we really are.
Father's Day 17: The Father's Heart
God is perfectly Loving, Good, Trustworthy and those are a few of the reasons why he’s such an incredible Father.
Esther: Wrong Gone Good
In the book of Esther we learn that even though we might not feel God’s presence, he’s always there and never forgets his people.
Esther: Self-made vs. God-Made
In the book of Esther we learn that even though we might not feel God’s presence, he’s always there and never forgets his people.
Esther: Good Gone Wrong
In the book of Esther we learn that even though we might not feel God’s presence, he’s always there and never forgets his people.
Esther: Taking a Stand
In the book of Esther we learn that even though we might not feel God’s presence, he’s always there and never forgets his people.
Work As Worship: Created for Work
How do we cross the divide between our weekday and our weekend; the secular and the sacred; our work and our worship? This three week series will teach us what it means to work as worship.
Life of Jesus: Master Plan Part 2
The life of Jesus is unlike any other. This series will take us through the Book of Mark, where we will see Jesus model for us what it means to be a disciplemaker. This week we finish a two part message unpacking Jesus’ Master Plan of Evangelism.
Life of Jesus: Master Plan Part 1
The life of Jesus is unlike any other. This series will take us through the Book of Mark, where we will see Jesus model for us what it means to be a disciplemaker. This week we begin a two part message unpacking Jesus’ Master Plan of Evangelism.
Life of Jesus: Incarnational Mission
The life of Jesus is unlike any other. This series will take us through the Book of Mark, where we will see Jesus model for us what it means to be a disciplemaker. Today we get into the ‘how’ pf making disciples through incarnational mission. Here’s the video that was shown at the end of the message. Sara's Story from Trinity Grace Church on Vimeo.