Sunday morning is our main time to gather and worship as a community. Whether you attend the 9AM or 11AM gathering, here’s what you can expect on your first visit:
Kingdom Kids
CCA Kingdom Kids is where children ages 0–12 encounter Jesus in a safe and fun environment designed just for them. Our Kingdom Kids volunteers guide the children through worship, games, activities, and Bible studies centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ.
When you arrive at the church, you’ll find our Kids Check-In station, where a volunteer will assist you. Be sure to provide your phone number in case of an emergency or if your child, who is not yet potty-trained, needs a diaper change.
After check-in, if you have nursery-aged children (0–2), you’ll drop them off in our nursery room. Ask a volunteer for directions. Children ages 3–12 worship alongside their parents. After checking them in and dropping off your nursery aged children, head to the sanctuary and prepare your family to worship Jesus together.
Be sure to visit our welcome table in the sanctuary when you arrive. There, you’ll find information about upcoming events and giving opportunities. Pick up a connect card and fill it out as soon as possible—or complete our digital connect card via text message before your visit.
Our church family is warm and welcoming, so make yourself at home. Don’t be shy—start a conversation with someone while you wait for worship to begin.
When the countdown timer reaches 0:00, the worship team will lead us in praising the Lord. The team selects contemporary songs that help us enter into God’s presence. At CCA, everything is about Jesus and what He has done for us. This focus is reflected in our prayers and the songs we sing.
After worship, we have a short welcome time where everyone greets one another, and our pre-K and Elementary kids head over to the NextGen building for their Kingdom Kids service.
The Word
Then, we transition to a time of learning and encouragement from God’s Word. Pastor Kai or a guest speaker will deliver the message for the week. We are passionate about the Word of God, and we also like to have fun—so don’t hesitate to laugh, say an encouraging “Amen,” or engage with the message.
You’ll leave encouraged, having learned more about our amazing God and how to magnify and multiply Jesus in your life. At the end of most messages, Pastor Kai invites those who haven’t yet decided to follow Jesus to take that step. Feel confident bringing friends who don’t know the Lord; they will be loved and welcomed at CCA.
We participate in communion every Sunday. After the message, the speaker connects the teaching to the significance of communion. Everyone is then invited to take communion individually or with their family, Growth Group, or friends.
It’s a beautiful moment to see the sanctuary filled with believers sharing the gospel with one another as they take communion. We practice open communion, meaning you don’t need to be a member of our church—just a follower of Jesus.
We conclude our service with a benediction, during which Pastor Kai prays over our church family and sends us out to live as the church in our daily lives. We are commissioned to magnify and multiply Jesus wherever we go.
Following the message, we share announcements about upcoming events and updates within our church family. During this time, we also explain how you can worship God through financial giving. We give because Jesus first gave everything for us, and we are blessed to be a blessing to others.
Family Hangout
Family Hangout takes place between the two services, from 10:30 AM to 11:00 AM. We encourage those who attend the 9:00 AM service to stay afterward and those who attend the 11:00 AM service to arrive early. This is a great opportunity to connect with church family you may not see during your service.
During this time, feel free to grab a drink and a snack while enjoying fellowship with your brothers and sisters in Christ.
Our goal is to create a connected family environment, ensuring that having two services still feels like being part of one unified church.
We pray your time with us is refreshing and life giving. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday!