What to Expect

What to Expect

Sunday morning is our main time of gathering and worshiping as a community. Here is what you can expect on your first visit.


CCA Kingdom Kids is where your children, ages 0-12, get to encounter Jesus in a safe and fun environment that is just for them. Our Kingdom Kids volunteers lead the children through worship, games, activities, and bible studies that are centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ.

So when you arrive at the church, follow the yellow feet on the ground to our kids’ area and get your kiddos aged 0-12 checked in. Be sure to give our team your phone number in case of emergency or the need for you to change your child’s diaper if they are not yet potty trained.

Our kids, ages 5-12, worship alongside their parents so after checking them in, head back to the sanctuary and prepare your family to worship Jesus together.


After you arrive be sure to check out our welcome table. There you will see information about upcoming events and tithes and offerings. Make sure you pick up a connect card and fill that out as soon as you can or you can complete our digital connect card before you arrive. Our church family is warm and welcoming so make yourself at home and don’t be shy; start up some conversation with others while waiting for worship to start.


When the countdown timer hits 0:00 at 10:35, the worship team will lead us in singing praises to the Lord. Our worship team picks songs that are contemporary in style and are sure to lead us into the presence of the Lord. At CCA, everything is about Jesus and what he has done for us. You’ll see this reflected in our prayers and the songs that we sing.


Then, we move into a time of learning and encouragement from God’s word as Pastor Kai or various guest speakers share the message for the week. Not only are we passionate about the word of God, but we also like to have fun, so don’t be afraid to laugh, say an encouraging “Amen,” or interact during the message. One thing is for sure, you will leave our time together having learned more about our Amazing God and how to magnify and multiply Jesus in your own life.

At the end of every message, Pastor Kai almost always gives the invitation to follow Jesus for those who have not yet made the decision to do so. You can feel confident in bringing friends who don’t yet know the Lord, knowing that they will be loved and welcomed at CCA.


We participate in communion every Sunday. After the message the speaker connects the message to the importance of communion. Then everyone is released to take communion on their own or together with their family, Growth Groups, or friends. It’s amazing to see the sanctuary filled with brothers and sisters in Christ sharing the gospel with one another as they take communion together.


At the end of our time together Pastor Kai usually leads us in a benediction where he prays over our church family and sends us out to be the church wherever we are and to magnify and multiply Jesus in our everyday lives.


After the word, we move into a time of announcements of upcoming events and general things that are happening with our church family will be given. During this time we will explain ways that you can worship God through giving of the finances he has blessed you with. We give because Jesus first gave everything for us. We are blessed to be a blessing to others.