Next Gen Ministries

Next Gen Ministries

At CCA we want to help you disciple your children to know and love Jesus. We have nursery (0-2), pre-K (3-5), and elementary-aged (K-5th) services for your children during our regular Sunday gatherings that we call Kingdom Kids. Kingdom Kids is where your children get to encounter Jesus in a safe and fun environment that is just for them. Our Kingdom Kids team members lead the children through games, activities, and bible studies that are centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We use the Bible Engagement Project curriculum for our kids’ lessons and Bible study. You can download the app to see what your kids are learning and also read relevant family devotionals throughout the week to reinforce what your kids learned on Sunday.

The youth (6th-12th grades) of CCA worship and learn with the adults on Sunday and have regular gatherings on Tuesdays from 6:30-8:00 PM to grow in their faith with other youth. Our youth leaders facilitate student led worship, Bible study, and prayer.

We want your children to be safe and we want you to feel safe allowing us to care for them, so all of our team members have gone through state and county background checks. We also always have someone certified in CPR/AED available if the need arises.

We believe children are more than able to understand the fullness of the gospel and that the gospel is meant not for behavioral change but for life change. In Matthew 18:3 Jesus said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” As your children participate in Kingdom Kids, we hope they always remain like children when approaching our Lord and Savior, even when they grow older.